Season 3

Grand Tournament 3

The grand tournament is the culmination of all the preparation and testing done during the season. It features 16 teams duking it out to determine a winner above all.

Test Tournament 3.18

Final Countdownᵀᴹ*

Test Tournament 3.17


Test Tournament 3.16

Precision Jank

Test Tournament 3.15

Minimum Viable Product

Test Tournament 3.14

Talking Stick

Test Tournament 3.13

Easy Street

Warhammer 40K Exhibition Tournament

Brought to you by Darth411 & Personzz

Test Tournament 3.12

Skill Issues

Test Tournament 3.11

Bismuth Box

Test Tournament 3.10

Yuma's Early 

Test Tournament 3.9


Test Tournament 3.8

Kharak is (Not) Burning 

Halo Exhibition & Skrims

Brought to you by Darth411

Test Tournament 3.7

All Your Weapon Are Belong To Us

Test Tournament 3.6

The Sun Will (Not) Set

Brotato Bowl 2

Electric Boogaloo

Test Tournament 3.5

The Servers Will (Not) Crash

Test Tournament 3.4

The (Not) Cursed One

Test Tournament 3.3

File (Not) Found

Test Tournament 3.2, Round 2

Your Tickets Will (Not) Last

(For real this time)

Test Tournament 3.2

Your Tickets Will (Not) Last


Canceled due to WeaponCore issues

Test Tournament 3.1

We All Rotate Together